While offering nutritional insight and direction is included, it’s important to understand that sound nutritional behavior is the make or break part of any program. We will hit this nail with a sledge hammer, because no amount of exercise can cover up a crappy diet. The market has become replete with fad after fad, designed lo lure you away from sound principles and into a get thin quick format (just as an aside, thin or ripped does not always mean healthy). And while these may sound appealing they are fundamentally flawed, through either the neglect or complete removal of macro-nutrients. Low carb, no carb, no fat, low fat, and on. Being able to remove the static and simplify your nutritional habits is our goal. From the foundational aspects of proper hydration to specific skills that turn you into a supermarket ninja, we’ll give you the skills to simplify and tighten up your nutrition, your body, and keep you healthy at the same time.